Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Panic Attacks In Children, Adolescents And Adults

In todays modern world children have to endure more stresses on a day to day basis than ever before, and often children are unable to cope with the stress and anxieties that are put upon them. As a result of this, anxiety disorders and panic attacks are one of the most common mental health issues affecting our children today.

Generalised Anxiety And Panic Disorder is the most common problem.....

Generalised Anxiety Disorder in children is usually due to excessive worrying. They may worry about everyday events, and events that will take place sometime in the future. Health may be a worry, performance at school, performance in after school activities, and friendships etc. Often childen will worry so much that it interferes with their daily lives and they may find it a problem sleeping which in turn creates other health problems.


Panic Disorder Symptoms Can Include :-

Difficulty breathing.
Shaking or trembling.
Hot flashes.
Cold flashes.
Dizziness and more.

What causes panic attacks ?

It is not exactly clear what causes people to have panic attacks, though they often occur when a person has had changes in their life. They could also be due to a chemical imbalance.
What should you do during an attack ?It is best to accept that the panic attack is embarrassing and unpleasant. It is best not to try and fight it but to accept that it is happening. If you try and fight it you may become more fearful and feel more out of control and this could make the attack worse. Try to remember that it will finish and it won’t kill you.

What are the treatments ?

Panic disorder in children can be difficult to diagnose. This can lead to many visits to physicians and multiple medical tests which are expensive and potentially painful. When properly evaluated and diagnosed, panic disorder usually responds well to treatment. Children and adolescents with symptoms of panic attacks should first be evaluated by their family physician or pediatrician
Doctors will only prescribe medication in extreme cases because of possible side effects, so beware.Several types of treatment are effective. With new techniques the child may also learn new ways to control anxiety or panic attacks when they occur. With treatment, the panic attacks can usually be stopped. Early treatment can prevent the complications of panic disorder such as agoraphobia, depression and substance abuse.



Ricki said...

Hi John,
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Anxiety in children must be the most pressing type to treat--kids deserve to be stress-free.

I should let you know that my blog has moved; you left a message on the old blog.


Anita said...

Thank you for all the information. I guess one would never think that children would have panic attacks but since they do, it is probably worse on them than adults. Good blog

Mike J said...

Yeah panic attacks in children are hard to witness, hang strong and get them some treatment and you will slowly beat them.

Panic Attacks In Children

Unknown said...

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